1.The Chen family took a boat trip last month.

( 陳家一家人上個月搭船出遊。)

2.The dolphins were cute, and they made funny noises.

( 海豚很可愛,而且他們發出有趣的聲音。)

3.Mr. and Mrs. Chen took many pictures at the party this weekend.

( 陳氏夫婦這週末在派對上拍了很多照片。)

4.I went to a hot spring the day before yesterday.

( 我前天去泡溫泉。)

5.Emma sold cookies at the market many years ago.

( 很多年前,Emma在市場裡賣餅乾。)

6.We began to decorate the classroom at six this morning and finished the work an hour later.

( 我們今天早上六點開始佈置教室而且一個小時後完成這項工作。)

7.What else did you do this evening?

( 你今天晚上還做了什麼其他事? )

8John never nodded off in math class.

( John 從未在數學課打瞌睡。 )

9.I jogged for thirty minutes before dinner.

( 我在晚餐前慢跑了三十分鐘。 )

10.Time to take the test, class.

( 考試時間到了,同學們。)

11.The Moon Festival is a popular Chinese festival.

( 中秋節是一個受歡迎的中國節慶。 )

12.My stomach still hurts, so I plan to stay in bed today.

( 我的胃仍然在痛,所以我計劃今天待在床上。 )

13.Everyone has a great time under the full moon.

( 在滿月之下,每個人都有一個很棒的時光。 )

14.Ann exercises every day because she wants to be thin.

( Ann每天運動因為她想變瘦。 )

15.Why didn’t you go to bed early last night?

( 你為何昨晚不早點上床睡覺呢?)

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